Book here; fish for sale

Physical copies of the book I wrote arrived recently and they look pretty shiny! Too bad I can never remember this title.

Feeling derpy for missing black Friday, I also went on a huge Etsy listing blitz - you can now find all of the original samples I made for the book for sale there. And I think I broke my personal record for # of items in the shop...


Lycanthropica said…
congrats on your book! :)
It looks great!
-Candi said…
Book looks great, I was wondering if you'd share a table of contents with us? I don't knit but would love to know what the included crochet patterns are :)

Maria Belén Carrasco said…
Hola hoy me he comprado tu libro los seres se hacer la primera parte como tu dices pero pienso que se podrá haver también en ganchillo.. un saludo desde España.